A downloadable game

The player is in a city surrounded by some form of corruption put there by the final boss( still thinking of what it should be) the town is surrounded by walls and is the last known town to exist (there are more the player can find which NPC's will hint at). The final boss will send units of some kind to attack the town each night (in game). The player has to build walls/defenses and train the towns people to defend the town (you can play as the towns people and change who you play as at any point). You can train spells and melee abilities with items (bought with gold) and through xp/ability levels both of which you can get by going through the dungeon. The gold can be transferred between the towns people the xp cannot. The people who sell items can be played to get them to offer better items for trade/sale (if they die they can be resurrected). if you change to a deferent towns person the one you where before keeps all spells and ability and you can position them to defend a point in the town at night. the dungeon has many floors and the deeper you go the harder it is. if you die as a townsperson that person is dead forever but you can change into a deferent towns person and get more people from other towns. if the player is in the dungeon durring the night the town is still attacked. The player can leave the dungeon at any floor. To "beat" the game the player will need to find the final bosses base (the biggest wave of enemies will come from its general direction each night) and then travel thorough the base (which will be similar to the dungeons except you can take multiple townspeople at a time). After beating the final boss they will rewind time and you will lose most of the progress you made (keeping some items and ability's still unsure of what) and the game will be harder.

Discord - https://discord.com/channels/1183876402701926491/1183876516191412224

Go Fund Me - https://www.gofundme.com/f/fund-the-development-of-an-video-gameunnamed?utm_camp...

Steam - TBD

A demo should be posted somtime at the end of next month

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